Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Photography research project Part 3.

A few of my own photos that are inspired by his work.

1. I took this image and i wanted to get a light glow from the sun in the background to highlight or make the tree pop more as the main point to look at. The sun also illuminates the close leaves and make them almost seem transparent in their own colour, if that makes any sense.
2. For this image, i really wanted to get the sun as like a horizon kind of just peering into a small part in it. But when I was taking it the sun and background became unfocused and all you could see were the light leek circle which I thought was pretty neat-o.
3. This is image is kind of a double picture, well at least to me it looks like one. It appears to me that there's a layer of grass and that i just added the leaves on top because the leaves colours are so bland but the grass is very prominent and bold.
4. I find that this picture is very eye pleasing or interesting because the trunk is almost the first thing that you see but then as you look up you can see all the branches that spread all the way around. I feel like it actually make the tree seem more round and that the branches all reach out on their own angle.
5. This picture of small shrubs and leaves is really pretty to me. It captures the season and it's beauty that comes with it. Frost on the ground in the morning is one of my favourite things because it just coats everything in a thin layer and it just looks overall kind of like a wonderland.
6. The way that the web is just dangling off in a couple string to me is really different because normally a picture involving a we would include the whole thing or you could clearly see it's natural state. Also the few water drops that you can see on the tips of the leaves are really clarifying to me. You can pretty much feel what kind of day it was referring to how cold it was, the moisture in the air and the way the sky looked.


Photography research project Part 2.

      My own opinion on his work is that his work just gives a feeling of I guess "inspiration". In a way of making someone want to travel to that specific place so that they can experience that moment for themselves. It kind of brings a whole new level to just looking at a mountain or a river. It adds depth, maybe a little more meaning to some people then others. It definitely opens up the creative side of my own mind. It makes me wonder how he took the photo, how long it took to get the "right" picture.
      I really enjoy the way he uses the light source to almost add shape or definition to the way that the photo flows from one side to another. It's very eye catching. Also, the way that he uses the natural architecture to add form and value to the lights, the background small things and the sky and scene around the main character or part of the picture that he's focusing on.
      My intake on his work is that I see places that I never even knew existed. Or I see places in a new perspective or view. Because in the end isn't that what it's all about? Perspective, it's the key on viewing something. It helps open your mind to new beauty and you can see different things that not everybody will see the same way as you do.

Photographer Research Project part 1.

       Patrick Di Fruscia was born and raised in Canada and spent most of his childhood living in the great countryside. Like his father before him, his goals are to interpret and share with other people what he finds to be truly beautiful and inspiring. As a young person he tried to gather as much knowledge and facts and pointers as he could through books and any other kind of source he could get his hands on. He first realized that nature photography was something that he was born to do when he was visiting Mont Ernest Laforce and he then decided to pursue it. From then on his work progressed into many amazing pictures that have won awards and been displayed and published in numerous places of popularity such as National Geographic and Kodak.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Friday photo: October 18 A glimpse

New Infrared edits :)

Infrared Photography.

All of my infrared photos were created using photoshop. how i got the final product was by a series of simple steps i followed from a online source. http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/infrared-photo/

The steps are as follows:

It first starts off by duplicating the first layer and renaming in the "Infrared"
The second step is then changing the channel color to green. It doesn't show up as green but it actually become black and white looking.
The third step is to then add a filter called "gaussian blur".
Step four you go back to the infrared layer and change the blend mode to "screen".
the fifth step is to add a channel mixer layer, then you adjust the red, green and blue.
6th we go back to the infrared layer and change the level of opacity.
for the 7th step we add yet another layer off the channel adjustment layer and title it as "grain".
the 8th step is you fill the grain layer with just plain white.
for step nine you are still on the grain layer thats white but you fill it with 20-35% noise.
step 10 you change the blend mode of the grain layer to "multiply".
for step 11 we duplicate the background layer one more time and title this one as "colorize".
step 12, drag the colorize layer up between the grain and channel mixer layer.
for the last step we change the blend mode of the colorize layer to "overlay" and lower the opacity to 50%.

weeeeoooo you're done!